
Worldwide Delivery

Get ready for hassle-free global shipping with us.  

We're proud to deliver our quality products anywhere in the world, and our logistics team is here to make it simple.

Key Features:

Global Shipping:
We ship worldwide, bringing our products to your doorstep, no matter where you are.
Efficient Logistics:
Our logistics team is on top of it, ensuring your order is delivered smoothly and on time.
Tailored Solutions:
From customs to shipping routes, we handle the details to make your experience seamless.

At the same time, if our clients prefer to cooperate with their own shipping agents, they may collect goods from our warehouse in the Moscow region.

Address: office 309, 1st Nekrasovsky proezd, 6, Pushkino, Moscow region, 141207, Russia
Phone: +7 495 532 4656
Е-mail: leshozsnab@mail.ru
Website: www.lessnab.com

Working hours:
Mon-Thu: 8:00-17:00
Fri: 8:00-16:00
Sat, Sun: day off

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